Ladakh is extremely beautiful in autumn

Ladakh, a fairly land located at extremely impressive altitudes in the Himalayan mountains in northern India, has become an attractive destination for those who love adventure travel and want to experience pristine natural beauty. However, if you are planning to travel here, one of the important factors to consider is the cost of traveling to Ladakh. In this article, we will learn about the Ladakh travel cost and the factors that affect it.

Surreal landscape in Ladakh
Zanskar valley

So, which month is best for Leh Ladakh bike trip and how much does a Leh Ladakh trip cost, Ladakh trip cost per person (Leh Ladakh trip cost), how much does Ladakh trip cost, how much money required for Ladakh trip? Let’s check out my Ladakh travel cost and Ladakh trip by bike cost (Leh Ladakh road trip by bike) from Delhi (Leh Ladakh trip cost from Delhi) as follows!

Ladakh monk
Ladakh in winter
Ladakh is the dream of any traveler, so it is necessary to prepare a reasonable Ladakh trip cost
Ladakh map

How much does Leh Ladakh road trip by bike (Ladakh trip by bike cost)?

The main street in Leh, Ladakh | ladakh trip by bike cost

Depending on each person’s needs, the cost of traveling to Ladakh by motorbike (Leh Ladakh road trip by bike, Ladakh trip by bike cost) will vary. This is the cost that I paid. Note that this is a temporary estimate of the cost of traveling to Ladakh because each time the price and cost are different. If you want to make a Leh Ladakh road trip by bike, you can refer to and check the price at the time you go for the most accurate. I flew from Vietnam to New Delhi and below is the following costs:

  • Round trip air ticket Vietnam – New Delhi is about $235.80
  • Round trip air ticket New Delhi – Leh ticket is about 196.50
  • Hotel average cost is around $23.58/night, total 5 nights about $117.90
  • Eating and drinking is about $15.72 per day, total about $121.90 including additional expense
  • Renting a car is about $18.08 per day, total for 5 days is about $90.39
  • Gasoline is about $58.95
  • Permit for tourists entering and leaving areas $8.65 per person
  • The extra cost is about $78.60
  • Total airfare of 432.30 + 8.65 license fee to visit + $463.74 gasoline, hotel fees, and food costs.
  • If you go alone (Ladakh trip cost per person), it’s about $903.91 – $982.51
  • If you go with two people and share expenses, it will be about $589.51 – 707.41

I limit using cash, so almost all the hotels I book on and Just keep a few Indian rupees and dollars for eat and drink. In Ladakh, food and travel costs are very cheap.

| ladakh trip by bike cost
| ladakh trip by bike cost
| ladakh trip by bike cost
| ladakh trip by bike cost
Phuktal monastery | ladakh trip by bike cost

If you interested in Ladakh tour in case you don’t want to take a motorbike trip, you can find guided tours on

Airline tickets

Indira Gandhi International Airport (Delhi Airport) | ladakh trip by bike cost

Travel to Ladakh is usually done by flying to Srinagar or Leh, the two most important airports in the region. Airfare prices will depend on the time you book, the tourist season and your departure location. To save some money on Lalakh travel costs, you should plan to book tickets in advance, research and compare prices from different airlines.

Flying Vietjet via New Delhi and then flying to Leh is an option | ladakh trip cost per person

Accommodation (#ladakh trip cost per person)

| ladakh trip cost per person

Ladakh has a variety of accommodation options from high-end hotels to cheap hostels and guesthouses. Prices will also depend on the accommodation’s amenities and location. Leh, the capital of Ladakh, offers a variety of hotels and guesthouses to suit all budgets. You can also find homestays, where you can live with a local family for a more good travel experience.

A hotel in Hunder village costs about $27.51 per night | ladakh trip cost per person (c)


| ladakh trip cost per person

To getting around Ladakh, you can rent a car or use public bus and taxi services. Renting a car may be more expensive, but it allows you the freedom to move around and explore tourist destinations as you wish. Make sure you research and compare rates from different service providers to find the right quality and price option.

| ladakh trip cost per person
| ladakh trip cost per person
Traveling to Ladakh by motorbike is also one of the options that gives you many experiences | ladakh trip cost per person

Things to do

| ladakh trip cost per person

Ladakh is famous for its stunning landscapes and exciting tourist activities. The cost of participating in these activities will also affect your budget. Some popular things to do in Ladakh include mountain climbing, hiking, off-road motorbike riding, visiting cultural villages and religious sites, and participating in local festivals. Consider and plan the activities you are interested in and find out about their costs before coming to Ladakh.

| ladakh trip cost per person
| ladakh trip cost per person

The Dal Lake ferryman. | ladakh trip cost per person
| leh ladakh trip cost

Eat and drink

Cuisine can also significantly affect your Leh Ladakh trip cost. If you want to save money, try local eateries or small restaurants with unique street food. If you want a more upscale experience, restaurants at hotels and resorts offer international and local dishes at higher prices. Calculate your daily food expenses and plan for it in your budget.

My meal in Ladakh | ladakh trip cost per person

Sightseeing tickets

Color of leaves, color of sky, color of water, what could be more beautiful?

Ladakh has many notable attractions such as Pangong Tso lake, Nubra valley, several Buddhist temples and pagodas. Each tourist attraction has different entrance ticket prices, and you need to calculate this cost in your travel budget. Find out about attractions and ticket prices in advance to get an overview of costs.

Travel insurance

Father and daughter in Ladakh. | ladakh trip cost per person

An important factor that you cannot ignore is travel insurance. Having a reliable travel insurance will help protect you from unwanted risks such as accidents, illness or belongings loss. Research and compare prices of travel insurance packages to choose the package that suits your needs and your travel budget.

Tourist season

The high altitude Zanskar valley is located in the Ladakh region.

The tourist season also affects the Ladakh trip cost per person. Normally, the Ladakh tourist season lasts from June to September, when the weather is warmest and most pleasant. During this time, hotels and travel services often have higher prices than during the low tourist season. If you want to save Ladakh trip cost per person, consider traveling in winter, when prices are often lower, however, be aware that weather conditions are harsh and many tourist attractions may not be open.

The main occupation of the people here is cattle breeding and land cultivation. | ladakh trip cost per person
A boy in the Zanskar fall

Ladakh is extremely beautiful in autumn

Currency and exchange rate

Indian rupees

When traveling to Ladakh, you need to consider the exchange rate and currency. Make sure you have exchanged enough cash or use a credit/debit card that can be used as Leh Ladakh road trip by bike upon arrival. Also, learn about exchange rates to know the value of the currency you’re using. Remember to check transaction fees and limit excessive credit/debit card usage to avoid unwanted fees.

Shopping and souvenirs

Hand-woven brocades at the Tibetan market

Ladakh offers many unique shopping options and gifts such as hand-embroidered goods, leather hats, ink paintings, jewelry and many other handicrafts. However, please note that prices are subject to change and always negotiate the price before buying. At the same time, calculate and set aside a separate budget for shopping and specialties to avoid affecting other costs during your trip.

Thangka paintings

In short, when planning, understanding and calculating Dalakh travel cost is very important. From airfare, accommodation, transportation, tourist activities or souvenirs, they all affect your travel costs. With careful planning and research, you can optimize your travel budget and enjoy your journey to this mountain ranges paradise.

Ladakh not only attracts tourists with its beautiful landscape but also gives them a unique cultural and spiritual experience. Under the guidance of a local guide, you can explore indigenous villages, participate in local ceremonies and festivals, and gain a deeper understanding of the history and traditions of this land. Participating in these activities can bring you an interesting experience and a different travel space.

Finally, remember that the cost of traveling to Ladakh is not only related to the amount of money you pay but also to the value of the experience you receive. Ladakh’s unique landscape, tranquility and natural beauty cannot be measured in money. Enjoy every moment of your journey and let Ladakh captivate your heart with its magic.

A bright smile behind the cliff
Thiksey Monastery
Hermis is one of the largest monasteries located around Leh.

In this article, we have explored the Ladakh trip cost per person and the factors that effect it. From airfare, accommodation, transportation and tourist activities to food, attraction tickets, travel insurance, tourist seasons, exchange rates and shopping, all need to be considered during the process. submit your travel plans. Whether you’re a budget traveler or want a more upscale experience, Ladakh is worth exploring and will provide unforgettable memories.

The post first appeared on Cuong Chan and was translated by Living Nomads. If you find any images or text that belong to you, please contact us, so we can credit you or give us permission to use them. Thank you very much!

Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in, from and to Leh-Ladakh-Zanskar you can refer to

Warm and peaceful.

Read more Ladakh trip blog: Ladakh trip blog — The journey to the fairyland of India and India guide here.