Our journey to discover Miyagi prefecture is increasingly exciting. Leaving Sendai -the capital of Miyagi prefecture, LivingNomads finds the way to Zao village, also located in Miyagi prefecture. The village is endowed with many fascinating privileges by the nature and it is one of the places in Japan where the snow monster can be seen in winter. In this post, we will together explore many fantastic features of the Zao Fox Village in Miyagi, Japan – Zao Kitsune Mura to see what is so special about it! So, wha’t hot in Miyagi Zao Kitsune Village (Fox Village, Zao Kitsune Village Japan)? Let’s check it out through our this blog to find out!
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Zao Kitsune Mura Village (Zao Kitsune Village Japan, Zao Fox Village)
Zao Fox Village, located in the mountains of Shiroishi, is currently naturally preserving over 100 foxes with 6 different fox species. Kitsune is a Japanese word for fox – a common subject of Japanese folklore. International visitors often call this place as Zao Fox Vilalge.
Why does fox become so special to the Japanese people? Simply because in the Rising land, foxes are popular animals in folk stories and legends of the country. In Japanese culture, foxes are animal that represent cunningness, agility and intelligence. The snow foxes in Japanese myths also represent the God Inari Ōkami– one of the main kami of Shinto. If you already visit Japan, you may find Shinto religion interesting as I do, I would do some research on it later.
How to get to Zao Kitsune Mura Village (Zao Kitsune Village Japan, Zao Fox Village) of Miyagi Prefecture?
There are many ways to get to Zao village, since I do not know whereabouts your departure position, I would recommend the following itinerary: from Sendai, take a train (Shinkansen Yamabiko) to Shiroishizao. Then from Shiroishizao, take a taxi to Miyagi Zao Fox Village, it would take around 15 minutes. This is the fastest route, it takes only 30 minutes to go from Sendai to Zao Kitsune Mura.
The second route also combines two transport means, train and taxi, but it takes a longer time. From Sendai, take train (Jr Tohoku or Sendai-City-Rabbit) to Shiroishi (Miyagi). From Shiroishi (Miyagi) get a taxi for 15 minutes to Miyagi Zao Fox Village. However, with this itinerary, the total time transporting by train is much longer, which expands the total transporting time up to 60 minutes.
Another way to get to Miyagi fox village is also can hire a private car transfer service to get to Zao Kitsune village on Klook.
- Zao Fox Village and Matsushima Coast Trip from Sendai
- 2D1N Mogamiya Ryokan Onsen and Zao Fox Village Experience
- Miyagi Fox Village and Gold Snake Shrine Private Car Charter from Sendai
Some useful tips while visiting Zao fox village (Zao Kitsune Mura Village (Zao Kitsune Village Japan, Zao Fox Village)
Due to the fact that these foxes are nurturing and living in their natural living environment, which means that there is no isolated from humans. For that reason, while entering Zao fox village, you will be provided many special guides. I will note down some guides in advance for you.
First of all, do not make loud noises because you can scare the foxes that they can run to you and bite you. Next, do not hold or bring any small objects such as water bottle, cookies, or fruits… inside. Foxes will chase for these items because in their eyes, these are defined as “dangling” objects. Importantly, watch your lap carefully, foxes usually bite laps and will not release easily.
Do not squat to see the foxes as your butt may become a target for the other foxes. Do not risk giving food to foxes by hand, if you do not want to be injured. In generally, these foxes have not been completely tamed, therefore, they can easily get aggressive against humans if people show something that “catches there attention”. So, it is best to walk very slowly, observe regularly and do not touch anything.
If these curious foxes come close to you, do not stand still, since they may be noticing something from you and are going to bite. Step on the ground hardly, continuously and move toward it to chase it away. Remember, it is not the responsibility of the management board if your belongings are bitten and damaged or even you are bitten to bleeding (bleeding is rare because they often bites your belongings).
Extra services inside Zao Kitsune Mura Village (Zao Kitsune Village Japan, Zao Fox Village)
In addition to the entrance fee for the Zao fox village, you can pay an additional 300 JPY to take photos with these adorable foxes. Since inside Zao fox village, you need to comply with many strict safety regulations, you will hardly have photos close to this animal. For that reason, fox photography service is extremely secured and you can even pet them to feel their soft fur.
Beside fox feeding service and fox photography service, there is also a souvenir shop inside the village with many lovely foxlike gifts. You can shop as much as you can with these unique items while traveling to Japan in Miyagi Prefecture.
Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in, to and from Miyagi you can refer to
- Ichigo World Strawberry Picking Experience in Miyagi
- Reborn-Art Festival Boat Tour in Miyagi
- 4G Prepaid Sim Card (JP Airports Pick Up) for Japan
- 4G WiFi (Japan Pick Up) for Japan
- JR Pass for Whole Japan (7, 14, or 21 Days)
Are you looking for more top things to do in Japan: Tours, activities, attractions and other things? Read more: Japan travel blog — The fullest Japan travel guide blog for a budget trip to Japan for the first-timers.